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Ves enrere Seminario científico-técnico: Root to shoot communications in arbuscular mycorrhizal tomato coordinating Micorrhiza-Induced Resistance against pests and pathogens

Seminario científico-técnico: Root to shoot communications in arbuscular mycorrhizal tomato coordinating Micorrhiza-Induced Resistance against pests and pathogens

  • Ponente: Dr. Victor Flors - Departament de Ciències Agràries i del Medi Natural, Universitat Jaume I (UJI)
  • Lugar: Salón de Actos del IVIA
  • Fecha: Viernes 13 de diciembre de 2019. 13:00 h.
  • Resumen:

Symbiosis established by Arbuscular Micorrhizal Fungi (AMF) provides adaptive benefits to the plants. Among these benefits, micorrhizal plants display enhanced resistance to biotic stress so called Mycorrhiza-Induced Resistance (MIR). In our lab we are currently involved in deciphering the molecular mechanisms behind MIR in tomato dealing with fungal and insect challenges. Most of mycorrhizal tomato responses against biotic stress are regulated by well know hormonal-regulated defenses, but there are also new pathways and metabolites activated that may function as specific markers for MIR.

Imagen seminario Flors